Friday, April 16, 2010

"Holy Cow...Science is Fun!"

We're finishing up our second year home schooling. We've been using Abeka Science.

Now I'm by no means an expert on home schooling...but I am smart enough to know that there has to be something a little more exciting than this!

It's a basic approach to home schooling.

Read together, discuss...then the child answers a few work book questions.

Are you bored yet? I am!

I attended a workshop at the Mid-West Home School Convention on how to make Science fun. My daughter loves science, but she's always asking, "when can we do an experiment?"

I love Holy Cow Science because they are simple, inexpensive experiments that can be used for multiple children and multiple grade levels. Most "Science in a Bag" kits come with everything you will need to do the experiment. If there are things you'll need it is usually things you already have on hand like water, baking soda etc.

It is a business designed by two brilliant chemisty teachers!

Do you know how to do a science experiment correctly? Need science fair project ideas? Or just want to add a little hands on fun to your science curriculum?

We learned all about magnatisum this week through their project called "Wacky Water Tricks"

Here are some photos:

1 comment:

  1. Jamie
    Sounds like you're a great teacher! Keep up the good work...the pics are great! I should do more activities with my homeschoolers. Love ya.
